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Stock Market AnalysisThe Data is not read if it is not analyzed.

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012 | 12/22/2012 10:26:00 PM

Bullish is the condition of the stock exchange, where Composite stock price index (the TRADE) has continuously increased over the past year. This condition is supported by the State of the economy and a healthy banking, increased community income, along with the development of the industry. Investors are very fond of this State, so many investors buy shares. Bearishthe condition of the stock exchange price index stock (TRADE) continuously decreased in the period of time. This condition is described by the State of the economy is flagging, tetidakpastian law, demonstrably everywhere which resulted in an unstable political and social conditions.

If everyone refused to buy shares in their bearish (down) then the stock market will be bearish. This is an opportunity to buy shares at bargain prices. There is an opportunity to buy shares in a State of bearish, then you can sell it back in when the market is bullish conditions.

Confidency Theory and Conventional Theory

To analyze the development of the stock market, there are two theories that can be used as benchmarks, namely:

Konfidensi Theory is based on the theory that psychological market with confidence that the prospective investors about the stock price, which he believes himself. The attitude of investors will form a certain image of a stock. For example they are confident that the stock is very good and would be XYX provide capital gains as well as a bright prospect, then perception happened will strengthen potential investors imtuk buy shares. Psychological theory based on the market was left well behind with the theory based on statistical data and economic data.Conventional theorytheory based on economic data and statistical data. To analyze the market need accurate data sources used.

The Development Of Capital Markets

State of the market are always alternates, bullish is bearish today tomorrow. This state of affairs that makes the stock market develops. Stock market impossible in a developing country if things happen as follows.

Negative economic growth rate even stagnant.The double digit inflation rate or better known as hyper inflation.The country’s foreign exchange reserves is very thin.The deficit of the balance of transactions sanggat high.Merajarelanya corruption and weak law enforcement.Export earnings are low.

For the potential investors the company’s stock, choose rate his efforts go smoothly, easily understood, and has more than 15 years old.

You have to buy stocks from companies that are actually real and serious in developing its business. By buying shares in these companies, You contribute to the development of the company’s business. Be aware of and telitilah before you decide to buy the stock.
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